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Patrick Lockerby

Before commenting on this article I must, as a matter of ethics, declare my bias.

My name is Patrick Lockerby. ;-)

Excellent article!
Great video!

Lord Soth

The combination of effects between the Beaufort Gyro and the Trans polar drift, generally pushes the multiyear ice againt the top of Canadian Arctic Islands and Greenland.

If (most likely) the North east passage melts out, and we get winds blowing towards russia for a subtained period (unlikely), it is possible for a navigational lead to develop at the top of greenland, but probably not for long. This would also create a free floating ice pack, not attached to land. Interesting.


Thanks, Lord Soth. That's an interesting answer to the question I just asked over at Patrick Lockerby's blog:

Wrt circumnavigation: will it only be possible to circumnavigate Greenland in something large when the Arctic is completely ice-free? In other words, will the last ice be clinging to Greenland and Ellesmere Island? Or should it be possible as well when for instance say 2 million square km of sea ice extent is left and clings somewhere else?

I overlooked a prediction by Patrick in his first instalment of the Arctic Tipping Points series which I'll reproduce in an update of this post.


The big hole opening in East Greenland re-activated my interest for this question: will we see Greenland being circumnavigable this year? If not, when?

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