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Artful Dodger

Congratulations to both teams. I can't help wondering what might have happened differently if our Norwegians had chosen to sail West, going through the NW Passage 1st, and the Northern Sea Route 2nd? It seems at least that they might have had favouring winds more frequently. Still, a mighty achievement, and a harbinger of Climate Change.

Kevin McKinney

Fantastic! I'm glad this happened in time for an update here. Seems fitting!

Artful Dodger

Is this 2012 Domino Number XXII?

A Russian-Ukrainian crew has set a new world record for the quickest Arctic circumpolar navigation by a sailboat.


The 100 foot sailboat “Scorpius” with a crew of four Russians and three Ukrainians has sailed around the North Pole in only 60 days, Interfax reports.

The Journey around the North Pole started and ended in Kakortok in Greenland and was done without any assistance from icebreakers. The crew tried to keep as close to the Pole as possible, in a corridor between 77-82 degrees north.

The speed record was not the only one set by “Scorpius” this year. Earlier this summer it sailed around the South Pole, thereby becoming the first sailboat in history to circumnavigate the South and the north Poles in one year.

Two years ago Norwegian explorer Børge Ousland and his crew became the first ever to sail around the North Pole in a sailboat. They spent nearly three months on the journey.

Here is a google">http://www.interfax-russia.ru/South/news.asp%3Fid%3D348481%26sec%3D1671&usg=ALkJrhhdbDXVOcfI8Wvvdi4rtAi6zI3bZg">google translated version of the original Russian news report.


Artful Dodger

bah, Typepad eats the link when an 'http' string occurs within the url. It should be:


Neven, thanks in advance for fixing the above ;^)


Artful Dodger

lol, 3rd try ;^)


Artful Dodger

giving up now ;^)


And if anyone wonders how we ever got to over 20 thousand comments on this blog, here is one of the reasons. :-P

Thanks for the link(s), Lodger!

Artful Dodger

20,000 Links under the Sea ice...



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