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Seke Rob


When you develop your Algae/Phytoplankton bloom post, the past articles I've read were that the Arctic as opening up, would not contribute to CO2 uptake. Whilst I'm not too concerned about albedo effect, it's more of an ecosystem upset possibility. What generates oxygen, what dies and sinks and rots to methane, particular the shallower regions... add to that the run-off nutrients from land... even what get's carried in by the ocean currents, HSS contributed. The under-ice bloom was no surprise... seen documentaries years and years ago, MYI having rich bottom cultures. Thinning ice, more light and you've got your recipe.

-- Rob

Aaron Lewis

I suggest that it is more than just "thinner ice". Frost and snow on the upper surface of the ice has melted, so that much more light is passing through ice of any given thickness.

Permafrost melting the last few years has resulted slough and slump events that have filled Arctic rivers with nutrients.

Failure to find large blooms would have been a surprise. What I find very interesting is no mention of zoo plankton and krill. The lack of copepods is more of a surprise than the presence of algae.


There was another huge drop in CT SIA yesterday: 286k km2. That's the second double-century decrease so far this year, and, in fact, it's a larger one-day decrease than any that occurred in all of 2011. In just the past three days, SIA has fallen a whopping 590k km2.

SIA stands this morning at 9.07 million km2. That keeps 2012 in first place, with more than 100k km2 less ice than there was in second-place 2010.


It took AIL and Jim a little less time to get to grasps with the new data. IJIS does almost 90K km2 a day in june on extent, CT 100K on area. Not compaction, plain melt Bering, Baffin, Hudson Barentsz, Kara and Laptev. It could easily continue on this pace right into July.
The config shows rapid ice movement from Sib to the CAA for the next three days, to make things worse.


There was another huge drop in CT SIA yesterday: 286k km2.

Jim, I believe the drop was 266K. Still pretty decent. ;-)

Jim, I believe the drop was 266K. Still pretty decent. ;-)

Neven, you are correct. I mistyped, then couldn't make the required edit. Guess I'll be sure to triple preview next time, as two times wasn't enough. ;-)


Part of that drop may go away on tomorrow's report. There is a section of the SSMIS pass in the Labrador Sea that was not included in the 10 June data.

On the other hand - it is 35 C or 95 F currently at the southern section of the Hudson Bay.

Eureka, Canada is to remain above freezing for the next 10 days, including a high of 11 C on Thursday with rain.

Tiksi, Russia remains above freezing with forecasted highs close to 20 C with rain at least once in the next 10 days.

Both sides of the Arctic are getting torched and the ice melt seems to be set to remain high.

Greg Wellman

Another big drop in the CT area measure. Air temps, cloud cover and ice distribution *appear* favorable for a continuation of this trend for a few days.

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