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Chris Reynolds

The greatest melt over Greenland is associated with a high Greenland Blocking Index. So far in June there has been a GPH trough, not a ridge, hence no blocking.

Unless conditions change radically over the next two months 2013 will not see an exceptional melt.


Greenland presents a favorable situation for combining cloud-free remote sensing with very extensive ice monitoring. The animation below, which more or less posterized by itself to elevation contours, shows changes in the Greenland Ice Sheet from 01 Jun 13 to today, based on 18V and 36VH microwave. The ice sheet is more structured than it seems at first glance. Some aspects might have a useful interpretation in terms of physical properties.

 photo greenland5_zps82c4fce9.gif


Another piece of art, A-Team!

Kevin O'Neill

A great blog read on a scientific expedition this year traversing the Greenland ice sheet to collect samples for analysis of carbon deposition and snow albedo. The expedition included Dr Chris Polashenski and their account of the trip can be found at Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland ice sheet Experiment (SAGE).

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