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Joe Wentrup

While the east Siberian Arctic stayed pretty cold, there is that long crack opening up at the New Siberian Islands and the latest images show thinning ice around Wrangel Island - the area that is supposed to have thickened most on the PIOMAS graph!

Also, the PIONAS Daily Arctic Ice Volume graph is showing a strong accelerating trend this year. Just following this trend, 2015 could end below 2013 in September. Not a new record, but a strong confirmation of the over all development in the Arctic.


At this stage the interesting issue is why we are at such low levels of extent. DMI, NOAA and NDISC all say that May 2015 was relatively cold, apparently not in the warmest 20 Mays in the historical record.

According to Chris Reynolds on Dosbat, http://dosbat.blogspot.com.au/2015/05/april-2015-status-part-2.html , there appears to be have been the smallest amount of thin ice in April for some years yet we have still achieved a record low extent on the 1st June more than 2.5 std deviations below the 2006 - 2014 average.

Who knows what we will see for the rest of the season?

John Christensen

Hi Neven,

Sorry about lack of comments as of late, but still following your blog and the ice.

Just wanted to share that DMI has launched a site with daily updates on Arctic ice volume estimates:


Time will tell how reliable it is, but it certainly has some deviations compared to PIOMAS, especially related to 2014.

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