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Jim Hunt

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The latest SMOS Arctic sea ice “thinness” map shows sea ice starting to form on the shores of the Laptev Sea.

Jim Hunt

The Centre for Polar Observation and Monitoring (CPOM) have just published the first CryoSat-2 Arctic sea ice thickness map of the 2019/20 freezing season:


Note in particular the dark blue area north of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Robert S

The NSIDC extent has now also recrossed the 2012 line, as the slow freeze-up continues.

Jim Hunt

Wipneus has just crunched the October mid month PIOMAS numbers. Here are the results:



Hello everybody! Here's an interesting study linking Rossby wave trains (or in this case, the Pacific-Arctic teleconnection [PARC]) to the Arctic accelerated melt period between about 2007 to 2012. I know volume has been going down anyway, but the accompanying article seems to only cover Arctic sea ice extent.

Please feel free to chime in with you-all's knowledgeable retorts!

Elisee Reclus

The problem is identified by science,
the solution is political,
but sometimes only art can make it all happen.


Robert S

It's interesting that despite consistently freezing temperatures, there appear to still be cycles of ice formation and loss happening in the CAA. Says something about how much heat remains in the water.

Doc Snow

Thanks, belatedly, for another nice summary.

In the 'noted' category, freeze up seems to have accelerated in the last little while, with the result that in JAXA 2019 is now in 2nd behind not 2012, but 2016.

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